Why - why brofty?
- Hard to maintain self accountability and discipline
- Integrity loss in self-discipline leads to self disappointment and loss in self belief
- Hard to maintain the expected perseverance
- Really important to have hope of self-improvement
- Difficult to embrace discomfort when needed
Who - who need brofty?
- Someone who don't want to settle with their current level of growth, wealth & health
- Someone who want to actively do something to change any aspect of their life for good
- Someone who is hardworking but still need a little push to get them started
What - what is brofty?
- A tool for accountability & discipline through a simple to-do list
- A team that want to incorporate positive reinforcement in every aspect of brofty while building it
- An effective set of plans to slowly move you towards your goals
- Visualization system that ensures your trust in little but consistent growth
- Fun gaming system to incrementally add discomfort to elevate your comfort level and growth level